Purposive Communication Book

Purposive Communication Book

purposive communication book

Daftar Isi

1. purposive communication book


The activities include listening, comprehending, critiquing, and responding to live or recorded discussions, speaking publicity with confidence, explaining authentic passages or text in your own words aided by illustrations in various forms, writing technical reports and academic papers, and preparing a presentation.

2. A thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. It is a special dictionary that given a listing of words with words that are similar and opposite in meaning. The book is important to everyone who wishes to communicate his ideas precisely and vividly by using different words. What is the authors purpose in writing? a. to inform b. to entertain c. to persuade​


The answer is Letter A

3. 1. What principles of effective oral communication have you learned from the Book ofSamuel?2. What attributes of effective oral language have you learned from Bulan and De leon?3. Compare and contrast the principles in the Book of Samuel with the attributes of orallanguage cited by Bulan and De Leon?4. Explain why effective oral language must be appropriate to the audience, occasion,speech purpose, and speaker's personality.#pasagotannamanpo



1. Each time Samuel spoke,he followed rules in order for him to deliver a message effectively. Simplifying the message, See the person, Show the truth and lastly, Seek response.

These rules helps us and gives us a guide to have an effective communication.

2. Having a clear, accurate, simple, understandable, and no redundant oral language in communication. Use shorter sentence length, use simple but graphic words. Use direct and rhetorical question and employ idiomatic expressions.

4. a. 1. It is a key to all effective communication a. reading b.listening C.speaking 2. It is a website through which users can search internet content.a. search engine b. books c.encyclopedia 3. The following are the types of listening except a. Listening for gist b. Listening for specific information c. Listening for entertainment 4. Knowing your purpose in listening will help you reach your goal. a. true b. false 5. When listening, you should consider the following except a. Focus on important details b. Listen actively c. Listening to distractions ​




sana makatolong to

5. 6. The author's purpose in writing a narrative is to communicate an importantinssonlearned from thestory. Examples of narrative texts include novels,poems heseB. recipeC. short stories7. When making a summary of a narrative text, be sure to include theA. characters onlyB. five elementsC. settingsD. theme8. These refers to the person/persons, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in theit?A. charactersB. conflictC. plotD. theme9. This is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. This is called theB. plotC. settingsD. theme10. Which is an example of a narrative textA. a research paperB. instruction manualC. short storyD. self-help booksbooks11. The purpose of this text type is to give information about a specific topic. It is notstorytelling, but a straightforward discussion of a topic. What text type is this?A. expository textC. narrative textB. descriptiveD. persuasive text​


sana maka tulong

6. Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it down in your formative notebook.1. It describes what the community wants to achieve and the activities required during a specific time period. a. community b. action plan c. plan d. approaches 2. It refers to a framework for implementing the activities a. community action plan b. action plan c. plan d. approaches 3. It’s an urban planning paradigm that emphasizes involving the entire community in the strategic community. a. community action planning b. participatory planning c. action pland. approaches4.__________ is a section or table for additional matters at the end of a book or document. a. appendices b. cover page c. body of letter d. table of contents 5. A brief overview in distinguishing the characteristics of the municipality and the issues being prioritized. a. community profile. b. cover page c. introduction d. resources 6. It is a process of identifying the broad goal or translating that goal into member behaviours that needs to be achieved. a. methodology b. Strategic planning c. participatory planning d. community action planning 7. Which part states an appeal or request to the Municipal Mayor or community leader? a. appendices b. cover page c. body of the letter d. table of contents 8. A description of the purpose of the action and when it was developed. a. cover page b. introduction c. resources d. appendices 9. It is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified period of time a. budget b. appendices c. resources d. economy 10. Considered as an activity that increases the understanding, engagement, empowerment and development of the proposed activity a. action plan b. community action c. goal d. milestoneII. Identify whether each item belongs to “PLANNING” or “ACTION.”11. Including an assessment and design element 12. This phase or process is best broken down into five steps 13 The resource requirements of the project including the plan developed on how to apply the possible resources should be examined 14. Situation analysis of the external resource environment 15. Identify external sources of funding​⚠NONSENSE: REPORT⚠Ngayon na po ang pasahan​




















sana makatulong sa inyo

pa brianliest po

thank you na lang kung hindi brianliest

stay safe and strong

7. 1. it is intellectual process which tries to unify scientific analysis emancipatory social moments for the purpose of revolutionizing human society. A. Structural functionalism B. Marxism C. Historical D. Symbolic interactionism 2. it is loosely structured cluster of fundamental ideas, assumptions or proportion about human beings in society. A. Structural functionalism B. Marxism C. humanities D. Symbolic interactionism 3. It is theory that explain how society functions the way it does A. Structural functionalism B. Marxism C. Humanities D. Sociological theory 4. What functions as large-scale structures and institutions of the society, their relationship and their constraining effects on the actors? A. Societal functionalism B. Marxism C. Communism D. Symbolic Interactionism 5. This is the idea that were first crystalized in the work of George Herbert Mead, and most clearly shown on his post-houmous published book. A. Societal functionalism B. Marxism C. Communism D. Symbolic Interactionism


1. A






pa brainles po

8. 1.Visual images and sounds are transmitted on screen. The purpose is to broadcast programs that are informative and entertaining.a.radiob.televisionc.newspaperd.magazine2.It is a printed publication containing news articles, important information, and advertisements.a.magazinesb.manualc.newspaperd.yearbook3.They provide information about different topics. You can access the document or files through the internet using links and headings.a.radiob.compact discc.websited.advertisements4.Among the examples, which one is considered as print media?a.E-bookb.blogsc.video clipsd.magazines5.It is the technology of using radio waves and signals in communication.a.televisionb.radioc.moviesd.videoPasagot pi fleece sana mapili :>


1. A

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. B


i hope nakakatulong

9. It is the giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate interviews, dialog and conversation. a. communication b. reflection c. innovation d, intervention What do you call of a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play or movie? a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It is a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged. a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It is a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. a. interview b. dialogue c. conversation d. reflection It can be defined as communication with one's self, and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory (Mclean, 2005). a. Interpersonal Communication b. Intrapersonal Communication c. Bilingual Communication d. Oral Communication It is the process of writing systemically from the breaking down of ideas with the purpose of presenting information showing clear perception of a certain subject. a. Creative Writing b. Academic Writing c. Literary Criticism d. Speech It is achieved in a paragraph if it says all that is intended to say. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order A feature of Academic Writing which is derived from 'cohere' which literally means "to hold together. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order A feature of Academic Writing which means oneness of idea. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order It is achieved when sentences reveal an order that the reader can see and follow, such as, form general to specific, from whole to part, from cause to effect, from abstract to concrete, and so on. a. unity b. completeness c. coherence d. emphasis/order​


Your professional success depends on having advanced people (a.k.a. “soft”) skills because most jobs require you to talk to people. Key among these is skill in speaking to and conversing with others in person. Retail sales, for instance, requires the ability to listen carefully to what a customer says they want and “read” their nonverbals to determine what exactly to say and how to say it in order to close the deal with a purchase. Aside from a handful of jobs with minimal human interaction (Gillett, 2016), the vast majority require advanced soft skills to deal effectively with customers or clients, coworkers, managers, and other stakeholders. Though we’re not born with them, everyone has the capacity to learn, develop, practise, and apply verbal and nonverbal skills to benefit those audiences, their company as a whole, and themselves.

You’ve certainly participated in countless conversations throughout your life, and the process of how to conduct a conversation may seem so obvious that it needs no explanation. Still, you can tell that some are better than others at conversation and some argue that technology is preventing many from developing these skills, so it’s worth breaking down how an effective communicator approaches the art of conversation. A skilled professional knows when to speak, when to go silent and listen, as well as when stop speaking before the audience stops listening. Further, understanding conversation provides a solid foundation for this guide’s crucial advice on job interviews (see §10.3 below), which follow similar ritual patterns and have their own set of expectations. Though these expectations may differ depending on the field, level, knowledge, and experience, they generally follow the five steps of a basic conversation discussed in this section. First, however, it’s worth examining the voice as the pre-eminent communication channel, how to refine our interpersonal skills in the face of the stunting effects of problem technology use, and how to use voice-only technology effectively.

10. DIRECTIONS: Read the sample book review below and complete the matrix with information about the text. Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Climate Change and Natural DisastersBy Yingigba Akenyemi Climate change is increasingly of great concern to the world community. The earth has witnessed the build-up of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere changes in biodiversity, and more occurrences of natural disasters. Recently, scientists have begun to shift their emphasis away from curbing carbon dioxide emission to adapting to carbon dioxide emission. The increase in natural disasters around the world is unprecedented in earth’s history and these disasters are often associated to climate changes. Many nations along the coastal lines are threatened by massive floods and tsunamis. Earthquakes are increasing in intensity and erosion and droughts are problems in many parts of the developing countries. This book is therefore to investigate ways to prepare and effectively manage these disasters and possibly reduce their impacts. The book takes an in-depth look at climate change and its association to socio-economic development and cultures especially in vulnerable communities; and investigates how communities can develop resilience to disasters. A balanced and a multiple perspective approach to manage the risks associated with natural disasters is offered by engaging authors from the entire world to proffer solutions (Worldscientific, 2020).A. Main Idea:________________________B. Purpose:__________________________C. Evaluation of the Text :______________ Answer the following questions and write them on a sheet of paper: 1. What skills did you apply in the activity? 2. How were you able to come up with responses needed for the activity?​



- More extreme weather events in future are likely to increase the number and scale of disasters, while at the same time, the existing methods and tools of disaster risk reduction.


- It gives a historical perspective and identifies some of the recent natural disasters that have occured. Identifies the phases of managing disaster risk assessment, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction.


- Climate change and disaster risk reduction are closely linked. More extreme weather events in future are likely to increase the number and scale of disasters, while at the same time, the existing methods and tools of disaster risk reduction provide powerful capacities for adaption to climate change.


share ur blessing

11. Instruction: Identify what is asked in the following situations below. Write youranswers on the space provided.________1. A simple nod for a question of verification is considered a________2. This can be an author of a book, a public speaker in a specialoccasion or even a traffic enforcer.________3. When we answer a phone call, the phone is the________4. He/She is expected to listen or read carefully.________5. It could be raised by the channels employed for interpersonal,group or mass communication.this subject is Purposive Communication and i had no idea what's the answer. help me please.​


1. communication


3. receiver

4. student

5. communicator


12. 7. All of the following are sources of research topics except:a. mass media communication c. books and journalsb. work experiencesd hearsays8. This refers to any significant, perplexing, and challengingsituation, real or artificial, the solution of which requiresreflexive thinking9. Presentation, historical background, geographical conditions,and the rationale of the study are the contents of presented in:a introductionc. background of the studyb. scope and delimitations d. definition of terms10. Which part of the research discusses the purpose that it willserve to society, the country, the government, the institutionor agency concerned, the curriculum planners anddevelopers, and the research community?​


7. d

8. hypothesis

9. a

10. result and conclusion



13. Directions: Read carefully the given statements and answer ty muy1. A text isA. spoken communicationC. written communicationB. visual communicationD. all of the above2. Which of the following is an example of paper-based multimodal text?A. live performance B. website C. newspaper D. animatia3. Which of the following is a digital multimodal text?A. filmB. posterC. textbookD. comics4. Which of the following is an example of live multimodal text?A. animationB. e-book C. oral storytelling D. newspap5. A text is considered multimodal ifA, it has multiple audiencesB. it combines two or more modesC. it has multiple purposesD. it has many models of transportationDetermine whether the multimodal text is paper-based, live performa​


1. D

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B



14. Identify the stage of reading that the statement refers to:A.) Reading for new readersB.) Reading for learners who are gaining fluencyC.) Reading for learners who want to read in another language that they understand become life-long readers and learners.D.) Reading for learners who have and speakWrite letter only. 1. The purpose of this stage is simply for the readers to realize that written texts have meaning,2. It talks about people, places, and activities that are familiar to the readers. 3. Sentences are short, easy-to-read, and uses vocabulary that the readers know and use.4. This stage makes use of small reading books.5. The purpose is to "help readers gain confidence in using print literature for leaning and enjoyment. 6. It is written in a language that the readers understand and have learned to read.7. This stage "provides informationabout the vocabulary and grammar of the languages that readers have learned so they can use the languages for higher level of thinking and learning.8. This stage "provides readers with information and ideas that are relevant to their life and affirm their heritage language and culture, and help them learn about the world outside their community."​












15. 6. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of the message. A. Interpersonal C. Mass Communication B. Intrapersonal D. Public 7. This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media. A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication D. Public 8. This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group. The message can be driven by informational or persuasive purposes. A. Interpersonal B. Intrapersonal C. Mass Communication D. Public 9. This refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship between and among them. A. Interpersonal C. Mass Communication B. Intrapersonal D. Public 10. This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type of communication, all participants can freely share ideas in a loose and open discussion A. Interpersonal C. Mass Communication B. Intrapersonal D. Small Group​






tapos pag mali try mo puro c.

16. Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Write :A. If the first statement is true and the second statement is True. B. If the first statement is true and the second statement is false .C. If the first statement is false and the second statement is false. D. If the first statement is false and the second statement is true. ______1. The purpose of academic writing id to aid the readers’ understanding. Therefore,it must not be complex but rather simple and easy to understand .______2. Interpersonal communication involves verbal and non-verbal communications. It is more about how the information, ideas, and thoughts are said .______3. An interpersonal communication, to be effective, one must not allow time to think. The speaker must not focus on his/ her ideas or opinions only. ______4. Communication is only giving information. It does not need to receive response. ______5.Poor communication skills can lead to frequent misunderstanding and frustration. It is not part of our day-to-day life. ______6.The main idea is the “key concept” being expressed in a certain text. It generalizes the author’s primary message .______7. Writing serves a great role in communication. It is important for an individual to learn how to write andenable reader to understandwhat his ideas are .______8.False information is commonly known as fake news. It is only a news created to misinform viewers .______9. Book report is formative report. It is likebook reviews .______10. An interview does not require question and answer. It is intentional and purposive and expects an accomplishment.


1. A

2. A

3. C









pa brainles naman po ty

17. WRITING BIBLIOGRAPHY: APA FORMAT WORKSHEET FOR 01-WK 6 (MELC EN8SS-lg-1.64 Use conventions in citing sources) You he learned from your previous module that there are standards used for documenting sources of information in research papers. One of the sources such as books contain the same basic information. The most basic information that each reference should have are the following: Parts of the Book 1. Title of the book 2. Author 3. Date of Publication 4. Place of Publication 5. Publisher Different types of sources have different formatting in the bibliography. In your module 2, you have learned one of the commonly used guidelines for formatting are published by the APA (American Psychological Association). The APA format, example and reminders are listed below: APA Format EXAMPLE Authors. (Year of Publication). Title. Place of Gasulas, A., Mantaring, G. & Lusica, F.G. (2017). Publication: Publisher. Integrated English for effective communication: Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Reminders: Bibliographical entries are arranged alphabetically. • Last names of authors are written, followed by the initials of their first names. Use the symbol "&" instead of the word "and" for references with two authors or more • Capitalize only the first word of the title and proper nouns in the title • Indent second line of bibliographical entries Activity 1: Make bibliographical entries (using APA format style and reminders) from the following sources below. Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Parts of the Book 1 Book 1. Title of the The Leadership book Handbook The Purpose of Driven Life The Ultimate A Handbook of Mastery Encyclopedia of Knots Fighter Aircraft and Ropeworks Geoffrey Budworth Francis Cosby Robert Greene 2002 2003 2012 John C. Maxwell 2008 Rick Warren 2002 2. Author 3. Date of Publication 4. Place of Publication 88-89 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8HA 88-89 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8HA 1100 Town & Country Road, Suite 1300, Orange County California HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. ЗА Exmount 776 Boni House, Pine Avenue Street, London Mandaluyong ECIR OJH City, Metro Manila Profile Books LTD OMF Literature Inc. Hermes House Hermes House 5. PublisherHelp!​
































18. FOR ITEM 5-8 A. EXPOSITORY B. NARRATIVE C. DESCRIPTIVE D. PERSUASIVE____5. It expresses the chronology of a specific event and gives enough information that the reader can understand not only the order of the event but the entire event itself.____6. It paints a mental picture of the person, object or situation, including the emotions involved.____7. It may compare, contrast, list, summarize or discuss different types of information.____8. It is intended to gain the readers’ support concerning a specific topic.____9. It is the process of writing systemically from the breaking down of ____ with the purpose of presenting information showing clear perception of a certain subject.a. words b. ideas c. style d. feelings____10. The purpose of academic writing is to communicate and aid the readers’ ______. a. emotion b. understanding c. opinion d. thoughts____11. It is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate interviews, dialog and conversation.a. communication b. interpretation c. exposition d. judgment____12. It is a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.a. Dialogue b. Interview c. Conversation d. Editorial____13. It is a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.a. Dialogue b. Interview c. Conversation d. Editorial____14. It is a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.a. Dialogue b. Interview c. Conversation d. Editorial​







10.C? (im not sure)





19. Directions:Read carefully the given statements and answer by writing the correct letter.1.A text is _______.A.spoken communication B.visual communication C.written communication D.all of the above2.Which of the following is an example of paper-based multimodal text?A.live performanceB.websiteC.newspaperD.animation3.Which of the following is a digital multimodal text?A.filmB.posterC.textbookD.comics4.Which of the following is an example of live multimodal text?A.animationB.e-bookC.oral storytellingD.newspaper5.A text is considered multimodal if _____.A.it has multiple audiencesB.it combines two or more modesC.it has multiple purposes D.it has many models of transportation ​









cary on learning

20. Write T if the statement is TRUE; if it is FALSE, underline the words that that make it false and write the correct answer in the blank before each number. ______________1. Written communication is an important aspect of a student’s life; this enables you to communicate with other people in varied situations. ______________2. Media communication refers to an act where individuals transmit and exchange ideas through the spoken language. ______________3. Visual Communications indicates communication using maps, graphics, traffic signals, advertisement. ______________4. A good background on verbal and nonverbal communication will prepare you to become effective communicators in any situations. ______________5. Oral communication involves a speaker and a receiver exchanging verbal or oral message for a particular purpose. Common examples of oral communication are speeches, debates, talking to oneself, dialogue, telephone calls, and oral presentations. _____________6. Written communication includes communication through the world wide web, examples are messages conveyed online like emails, telnet sessions and newsgroup postings. Broadcasting and telephone conversations are also examples of media communication. _____________7. Media communication refers to communication and interaction using the written word to convey a message. _____________8. Verbal communication are the messages transmitted through letters, reports, papers, books, notes, memo, journals, and newspapers. _____________9. Nonverbal communication is the act of conveying and transmitting messages not with the spoken language, but with the use of gestures, behaviors, actions, and other non-verbal cues. _____________10. Facial Expressions are medium in which we convey different information; these constitute a big portion of non-verbal cues. _____________11. Chronemics shows non-verbal cues that may indicate affection, familiarity, love, concern, sympathy, and other emotions. _____________12. Gestures are considered as signals or movements that are used to communicate nonverbal information. _____________13. Haptics may vary from culture to culture, some of the common hand gestures are: okay sign, clenched fist, ILY sign, thumb up sign, and face palm signs. _____________14. Individual space is a type of non-verbal communication relating to the distance and space we prefer to have with people when we communicate. _____________15. A closer space shows a more intimate relationship; however, a wide space may indicate a gap and lesser intimacy between people.​


1. T

2. Media

3. T

4. T

5. T


1. T

2. T

3. Media

4. F

5. T










21. re 9. What do you call channels of information, or anything that communicates meaning in some way? A. Multimedia B. Multiple senses C. Modes D. Multimodal text 10. What forms of communication that use a variety of modes? A. Gestural B. Multimodal Texts C. Spatial D. Visual 11. Which of the following is an example of kinaesthetic multimodal text? A. Read your notes or texts out loud B. Explain content with videos or songs C. Assign visual projects like arts or diagrams D. Let students move around or take breaks when working 12. Which of the statements is NOT a purpose of a text? a A. to change a reader's opinion C. to give problem in reading texts B. to help people decide what to do D. to make the reader enjoy reading 13. Which of the following is an example of a linguistic multimodal text? A. writing a poem C. showing a no U-turn road sign B. listening to love songs D. reading different types of books 14. What are the five modes of communication? A. visual, linguistic, spatial, aural and gestural B. linguistic, kinaesthetic, visual, writing and audio C. oral, spatial, audio, communication and kinaesthetic D visual, modes, kinaesthetic, audio and spatial​


9.A. Multimedia

10.B. Multimodal Texts

11.B. Explain content withvideos or songs

12.C. to give problem inreading texts

13.A. writing a poem

14.B. linguistic,kinaesthetic, visual, writing and audio

22. ✳ DIRECTION : Write letter T if the statement is correct , and letter F, if it is wrong. 1. Reservation form is used for confirming the guest's booking. 2. Key Card is used to open doors (e.g. in a hotel) 3. Filling cabinet is used to store paper records in document envelopes. 4. Key rack is used to store guest room keys. 5. Messag slip is used to contain all the messages for the guest or take note of the special request of the guest. 6. Safety Deposit Box is used to store valuables and is being sealed for the ultimate safety and protection of items. 7. Reception desk is ussually the place in which guest make the first impression of the hotel. 8. Card Verifier is used to validate and process card payments. 9. Fax Machine is for the purpose of communication but is not used to received or send official documents. 10. Telephone is used to place and accept bookings through video call ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ NONSENSE=REPORT√ ❗ IMPROPER ANSWER =REPORT√❗ WRONG ANSWER =REPORT√❗












23. 11. This is a form of criticism in which a book is analyzed based oncontent, style and merit.A. Book ReviewC. Literature ReviewB. Position PaperD. Research Report12. This is an essay that present an opinion about an issue, typically thatof the author or another specific entity, such as political party.A. Book ReviewC. Research ReportB. Position PaperD. Project Proposal13. This is a detailed description of a series of activities aimed at solvinga certain problem.A. Book ReviewC. Research ReportB. Position PaperD. Project Proposal14. This is a written document or oral presentation based on a writtendocument that communicates the purpose, scope, objectives,hypotheses, methodology, findings, limitations and recommendationsA. Book ReviewC. Research ReportB. Position PaperD. Project Proposal15. This is the objective analysis of a literary or scientific article thatemphasizes on whether the author supported his main pointswith reasonable and applicable arguments based on facts.A. Book ReviewC. Literature ReviewB. Article CritiqueD. Research Reportthe​


11. A.

12. B.

13. D.

14. C.

15. B.


24. 6. It is a political theory that the adapted the purpose and studies of Marxist theory. A. Societal functionalism B. Marxism C. Communism D. Symbolic Interactionism 7. Dominant approach form for structural functionalism A. Structural Functionalism B. Structural Function C. Sociological function D. Humanitarian Function 8. Who said that structural functionalism was for all intents purpose, synonymous with sociology. A. Kingsley Davis B. Robert Nisbet C. Willbert Moore D. Maryanski 9. he argued that structural functionalism was ‘’ without a doubt, the single most significant body of theory in social science at present time. A. Kingsley Davis B. Robert Nisbet C. Willbert Moore D. Maryanski 10. The idea of symbolic interactions were first crystalized in the work of George Herbert mead, and most clearly shown his post-humously published book. A. Know thyself B. Mind, Self and Society C. Mind and body D. Body and soul








( •-•)


25. 10. It is highly persuasive and Informative document that alms to address a particular problem or issue. A. Project Proposal C. Project Material B. Project Cost D. Project Budget 11. This is a form of criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style and merit. A. Book Revlow C. Literature Review B. Position Paper D. Research Report 12. This Is ar essay that presents an opinion about an issue, typically that of the author or another specific entity, such as political party. A. Book Review C. Research Report B. Position Paper D. Project Proposal 13. This is a detailed description of a serles of activities aimed at solving a certain problem A. Book Revlow C. Research Report B. Position Paper D. Project Proposal 14. This is a written document or oral presentation based on a written document that communicates the purpose, scope, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, findings, limitations and recommendations A. Book Review C. Research Report B. Position Paper D. Project Proposal 15. This is the objective analysis of a literary or scientific article that emphasizes on whether or not the author supported his main points with reasonable and applicable arguments based on facts. A. Book Review C. Literature Review B. Article Critique D. Research Report​


10. C

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. B


Nasagutan ko na to kaya tama yan.


26. In the past, you have learned the different purposes of writers. Let us try toremember by trying to identify the purpose of the writer of the following sentences. Youmay write P for "to persuade". I for "to inform" or E for "to entertain" on your notebook.1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the pandemic.2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the NovelCorona Virus in 2020.3. An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone.4. An article where the author argues that an iPhone is better than an Androidphone.5. A poem about the realizations of one person during the Enhanced CommunityQuarantine.​



Sna makatulong if tama toh

27. Examining Oral Communication ActivitiesACTIVITY (DO)Activity 1: Directions: For each item, identify whether the purpose is toinform to persuade_or to entertain. Write your answer on the spaceprovided before each item.1. a speech about why Palanan Island is the best place to go onvacation2. a book about animal and plant cells3. an advertisement saying everyone should buy fast cars4. a book about Pres. Ferdinand Marcos5. a comedian telling knock-knock jokes6. a movie telling the history of the Philippines7. a book containing fables8. a movie explaining the benefits of exercising9. a commercial about the best pet store owner in town10. a newspaper article saying chocolate is better than vanilla​



1. Persuade

2. Entertain

3. Persuade

4. Entertain

5. Entertain

6. Entertain

7. Entertain

8. Persuade

9. Persuade

10. Persuade

28. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on aseparate sheet of paper.1. Visual images and sounds are transmitted on screen. The purpose is tobroadcast programs that are informative and entertaining.a. radiob. televisionc. newspaperd. magazine2. It is a printed publication containing news articles, important information, andadvertisements.a. magazinesb. manualC. newspaperd. yearbook3. They provide information about different topics. You can access the documentor files through the internet using links and headings.a. radiob. compact discc. websited. advertisements4.Among the example,which one is considered as print media?a.E-bookb.blogs c.video clipsd.magazines5.It is the technology of using radio waves and signals in communication.a.televisionb.radioc.moviesd.video​








Thats the answer so good luck !!

29. Direction:Read the description or example and determine the author's purpose Then,explain your answer. To entertain,. To inform(teach), To persuade (convince)1.Mrs.Wilburn writes a note to Sadie's teacher explaining why Sadie was absent the past two days.Authors Purpose:__________Explain:______________2.A man wrote an article in the local newspaper telling about the need to recycle in the community. He gave reasons why recycling is important and ways it can be done easily.Author's purpose:_________Explain:______________3.A story abt a magical horse that could fly. When someone rode this horse, their dreams and wishes come true.Authors Purpose:__________Explain:______________4.A chapter in a science book explaining how blood circúlates through the body.Author's purpose:________Explain:____________5.An advertisement for a new washing machine that will wash up to 15 pairs of jeans or up to 20 towels in one load. The washer will save you time and money!Authors Purpose:__________Explain:_____________patulong po nito kailangan Napo Kasi bukas​


1. Author's purpose: To inform

Explain: Because Mrs. Wilburn was informing the teacher why Sadie was absent the past two days.

2. Author's purpose: to persuade

Explain: The man was persuading or convincing the community to recycle.

3. Author's Purpose: to entertain

Explain: The story is for entertainment purposes because it's a fantasy genre for kids.

4. Author's purpose: to inform

Explain: It's informing or teaching the reader of how blood circulates through the human body.

5. Author's purpose: to persuade

Explain: The advertisement is persuading or convincing the people to buy their washing machine.


30. 1. which of these does not belong to the group?A. Convention B. Codes C. Tropes D. Troup2. Reading books, watching films, and browsing sites online are examples of this.A. Communicative CodeC. Communicative PurposeB. Communicative EventD. Communicating3. Every communicator has a purpose in relaying one's message. This may also meanA. To communicate is to share.C. Intention drives one to communicateB. Communication depends on the event,D. None of the above.4. This word is also used in differentiating types of kinds of literature.A. GenreC. MediaB. CodesD. Conventions5. This is referred to the way things have been done, which are accepted by most people.A. Convention C. CodeB. Formulaic D. Purpose-6. What categorizes people's movements and behavior?A. SocialC. RepresentationalB. TextualD. Interpretative7. Scientific, aesthetic, mass media, and genre codes are examples of these.A. Representation Codes C. Social CodesB. Interpretative Codes D. None of the above8. When the audience start to give their perception, reaction, and comments on the ideologicalside of the message, what have they been working on?A. Representation CodesC. Social CodesB. Interpretative CodesD. None of the above9. This happens when the equipment in storytelling or film-viewing affects the meaning of the message.A. Technical C. Visual/SymbolicB. Written D. Auditory10. When Goes both sender and receiver of information best experience tropes?A. When both of the communicators are very intelligentB. When the message is transferred verbally.C. When idioms or figures of speech are used are recognizable by both communicators.D. When the message is easy.​

Assessment (Media & Information literacy)

1. D. Troup

2.B. Communicative Event

3.C. Intention drives one to communicate

4.A. Genre

5.A. Convention

6.A. Social

7.A. Representation Codes

8.B. Interpretative Codes

9.A. Technical

10.C. When idioms or figures of speech are used are recognizable by both communicators.

Literacy definition

Meaning of literacy as literacy as the ability to read and write.

There are 6 types of literacy that need to be known. The following is an explanation of the 6 basic types of literacy and their explanations.

1. Written literacy

Literacy to read and write is the ability to understand the contents of written texts, both implied and explicit, to develop knowledge and self-potential.

2. Numerical Literacy

Numerical literacy is the ability to use various numbers and symbols related to basic mathematics to solve practical problems in various contexts of everyday life.

3. Scientific Literacy

Scientific literacy is the ability to understand the natural and social phenomena around us and to make the right decisions scientifically.

4. Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to use digital media ethically and responsibly to obtain information and communicate.

5. Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the ability to apply understanding of concepts, risks, skills and motivation in a financial context.

6. Cultural Literacy and Citizenship

Cultural literacy and citizenship are skills in understanding and acting towards Indonesian culture as a national identity and understanding the rights and obligations as citizens.

Learn more about literacy at https://brainly.ph/question/10984378.


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