Obligatory Force Of Contracts

Obligatory Force Of Contracts

The law recognizing the obligatory force of contracts (Article 1139,1308, 1315, 1356) will not permit to be set free from liability for anykind of mispertermance of the contractual undertaking oracontravention of the tenor thereof.​

Daftar Isi

1. The law recognizing the obligatory force of contracts (Article 1139,1308, 1315, 1356) will not permit to be set free from liability for anykind of mispertermance of the contractual undertaking oracontravention of the tenor thereof.​


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2. The contract force called the normal force is A.Upward vertical force B.Net force acting on the object C.A Force perpendicular to the surface of Earth D.A contract force perpendicular to the contact surface


B.Net force

Sana makatulong

3. how is a contract force different from an non-contract force? give an example each from daily life


Contact force happens because of the contact between two unique items. It is a power which follows up on an article coming genuinely in touch with it. It acts when articles are in actual contact. Contact force might be persistent or incautious.

Non-Contact force happens due to one or the other fascination or shock between two articles to such an extent that there is no contact between these items. There is no field connected with the contact force. It is a power which follows up on an item without coming genuinely in touch with it. The most recognizable Non-Contact force is gravity, which gives weight.

which of the following is an example of non-contract force?



C.)normal force

D.)Elastic force...



4. Kindly answer it correctly pls.. And pls take this seriously. 3. Muscular strength is defined as, A. Minimum exertion of force in one contraction B. Maximum exertion of force in one contraction C. Repeated maximum exertion force D. Repeated minimum exertion of force​


B. Maximum exertion of force in one contraction


B. Maximum Exertion of force in one contraction.

Source: https://us.humankinetics.com/blogs/excerpt/muscular-strength-power-and-endurance-training

5. the amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of a muscle​

the amount of forced to roger has been a photo of the amount


Muscular strength


Hope Tama po hehe

6. give tree examples of obligatory prayer​


Salat is the obligatory Muslim prayers, performed five times each day by Muslims.  Salat al-zuhr: midday, after the sun passes its highest. Salat al-'asr: the late part of the afternoon. Salat al-maghrib: just after sunset.


Obligatory (fardh) prayers are of three kinds:


a) Morning Prayer (Dawn Prayer, Salat al-Fajr): The Morning Prayer is composed of four units (rakahs); two sunnah rakahs and two obligatory (fardh) rakahs. First the sunnah rakahs and then the obligatory rakahs are performed.

b) Noon Prayer (Salat al-Zuhr): It is ten rakahs in total. First, four first sunnah rakahs, and then four obligatory rakahs, and at the end, two last sunnah rakahs are performed.

c) Late Afternoon Prayer (Salat al-Asr): It is eight rakahs. First, four sunnah rakahs, and then four obligatory rakahs are performed.

d) Sunset Prayer (Salat al-Maghrib): It is five rakahs in total. First, three obligatory rakahs, and then two sunnah rakahs are performed.

e) Night Prayer (Salat al-‘Isha): It is then rakahs in total. First, the four first sunnah rakahs, then four obligatory rakahs, and then two last sunnah rakahs are performed. After the Night Prayer, three rakahs Odd-Numbered Prayer (Salat al-Witr) is performed. The latter is wajib.

2. THE FRIDAY PRAYER (SALAT AL-JUM’AH): This prayer is performed on Friday instead of the Noon Prayer.

3. FUNERAL PRAYER: It is composed of prayer and invocation for a deceased Muslim. There is no prostration (Sajdah) or bowing down (Ruku). The funeral prayer is a collective obligation, it is obligatory on the community (fardh al-kifayah).


1) Festival Prayers (Salat-al-Eidain): The two yearly festival prayers consist of two rakahs. They are performed in congregation. Salat of Eid al-Fitr and Salat of Eid al-Adha.

2) Odd-Numbered Prayer (Salat al-Witr): It composed of three rakahs. It is performed daily after the Night Prayer (Salah ‘Isha). If one misses the Odd-Numbered Prayer, it is also wajib to make it up.


Sunnah prayers are those that our Prophet performed regularly other than the obligatory and wajib prayers. They are of two kinds, those that are connected to the obligatory prayers and those that are not:

1. Those that are connected to the obligatory prayers: Those are the sunnah prayers that are performed before or after the obligatory prayers.

a) The sunnahs of the ritual prayers: Those are the sunnah prayers that are performed before and/or after the obligatory rakahs of five daily ritual prayers. (For example the sunnah rakahs of the morning prayer).

b) The sunnahs of the Friday Prayer: Those are the sunnah rakahs that are performed before and after the obligatory rakahs of the Friday Prayer. (The first sunnah rakahs and the last sunnah rakahs of the Friday Prayer).

2. The sunnahs that are not connected to the obligatory prayers: Those prayers are the ones that are neither the first sunnah, nor the last sunnah of any of the obligatory prayers, but rather, they are independent from obligatory prayers. Some such prayers that our Prophet performed include:

a) Tarawih Prayer (Salat-al-Tarawih): It is a twenty-rakah prayer that is performed during the month of Ramadan between the Night Prayer (Salat al-‘Isha) and the Odd-Numbered Prayer (Witr)

b) Salat al-Tahajjud (Night Prayer): It is a two-to-twelve rakahs prayer performed after the Night Prayer (Salat al-‘Isha) and before the time of the Morning Prayer (Salat al-Fajr), that is, before dawn.

c) Salat al-Duha: It is a two-to-eight rakahs prayer that is performed from around one hour after the sunrise and around one hour before the sun is at its highest point.

d) Salat al-Awwabin: It is a two-to-six rakahs prayer that is performed between the Sunset Prayer (Salat al-Magrib) and the Night Prayer (Salat al-‘Isha).

e) Prayer for Respectful Entrance to the Mosque (Tahiyyat al-Masjid): It is a two-rakah prayer that is performed by those who enter before sitting to “greet” the mosque.

f) Prayer for Respectful Entrance into the state of ritual purity (Tahiyyat al-Wudhu’): It is a two-rakah prayer that is performed right after a fresh ablution (wudhu’). One first stands toward the Qiblah, raises the right index finger, utters the shahadah, and says: “O Allah, make me one of those who purify themselves, and make me one of your righteous servants” (Allahumman ij’alni min al-mutatahhirin, wa-ij’alni min ‘ibadi- k a al-salihin). Then one enters prayer.


7. who are the parties of an obligatory relation?​

In an obligatory relationship, the obligee shall be the party who has the right while obligor shall be the other party who bears the obligation.

8. what is contract force?​


A contact force is any force that occurs as a result of two objects making contact with each other. Contact forces are ubiquitous and are responsible for most visible interactions between macroscopic collections of matter.

9. wajib/obligatory examples​


Examples: the five daily prayers, zakat, hajj, recitation of the Quran in prayer

10. contraction from the left atrium forces blood to the?​


mitral valve


from the left atrium, the blood is forced through the mitral valve into the critically important left ventricle

11. what is needed in a contract force​


sorry himdi ko alam patawad

12. What are the major factors influencing force of contraction?




13. 4. What is the definition of muscular strength?a The ability of muscles to exert maximum force in one contractionb. The ability of muscles to exert minimum force in one contractione. The ability of muscles to repeatedly exert maximum force​




So you can have big muscles when you reapetedly lift up the thing not just 1 times you need to exercise everyday so you can have a big muscles. Hope this will help.

14. why law is obligatory​


People have a general duty to obey the law because it is democratically decided. Legal duty: The obligations people have put upon them by the law. Moral responsibility: The personal obligations people feel based on their beliefs about what is right and wrong.


hope it helps

Obligations are central to the social role of law and explaining them is necessary to an understanding of law's authority and, therefore, its nature.

I hope I helped you

15. What is missing here?contract force; aplied force; ____; nuclear forceA. FrictionB. noncontact forceC. normal forceD. sun​


d.sun dahil it's only one obvious force left

A. Friction

Frictions are external forces.

16. what force acts perpendicular to the surface of the object and a contract with?​


normal force


Always acts perpendicular to the contact surface

17. The amount of force that a muscle can apply in a given contraction.​


Muscular strength


Is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group~ exert. The pull-up test measures upper-body strength.

18. the amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of a muscle​


it is muscular strength

19. The amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of a muscle.

Maximum power is generated at one-third of maximum shortening velocity. The force-velocity relationship in muscle relates the speed at which a muscle changes length with the force of this contraction and the resultant power output (force x velocity = power).

20. What force acts perpendicular to the surface of the object in contract with

Normal Force. A force on an object that is perpendicular to a common contact surface is called normal force,it is caused by direct contact between surfaces

21. as the right atrium contract the blood is forced into​


Blood passes from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle. When the right ventricle contracts, the muscular force pushes blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery. The blood then travels to the lungs, where it receives oxygen.

22. as the right atrium contract the blood is forced into​

Blood passes from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle. When the right ventricle contracts, the muscular force pushes blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery. The blood then travels to the lungs, where it receives oxygen

23. valves are open. contraction of the right ventricle forces blood to the​


back to the heart? I think?


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i dunno the answer and i just get points



25. which of the following is NOT a contract force? A.Friction B.tension C.elastic force D.gravitational force​

D. Gravitational Force Because a Gravitational Force is experienced by any mass in a gravitational field, and it is a non contact force. Gravitational Force is a non contact force because it doesn’t have any contact by touching each other.Answer

which of the following is NOT a contract force?

» D.gravitational force


gravitational force is not a contract force.Contact force are forces which two or more objects touch each other directly.



26. which of the following is NOT a contract force? A.Friction B.tension C.elastic force D.gravitational force​


which of the following is NOT a contract force



letter A po

27. The mechanical force of contraction is generated by ________.

Mechanical force is generated within skeletal muscle cells by contraction of specialized myofibrillar proteins. This paper explores how the contractile force generated at the sarcomeres within an individual muscle fiber is transferred through the connective tissue to move the bones.

28. give 5 examples on contract force​


an airplane flying through the air.

a skydiver parachuting from an airplane to the ground.

riding a bicycle.

pitching a baseball to a batter.

passing a football to a wide receiver.

29. which of the following is an example of non-contract force?A.)friction B.)tension C.)normal force D.)Elastic force​​


D.Elastic Force


beacause friction,tension and normal force are examples of Contact Force.




30. It is the amount of force that can beproduced by a single contraction of muscle​

Answer:Muscular Strength

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