Infer How Friction And Gravity Affect Movements Of Different Objects

Infer How Friction And Gravity Affect Movements Of Different Objects

infer how gravity affects movements of different objects​

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1. infer how gravity affects movements of different objects​

On Earth, gravity pulls all objects to Earth's center. ... Gravity acts on all masses equally, even though the effects on both masses may be different because gravity causes all objects to fall at the same constant rate of 9.8 m/s2. An object in free fall means that the only force acting on the object is gravity.


2. infer how gravity affects movements of different objects​

On Earth, gravity pulls all objects to Earth's center. ... Gravity acts on all masses equally, even though the effects on both masses may be different because gravity causes all objects to fall at the same constant rate of 9.8 m/s2. An object in free fall means that the only force acting on the object is gravity.



Object will not change their motion until an unbalanced force acts upon them.


3. how friction and gravity affect movements of different object?​

Answer :

Once a slide begins the rock, earth and debris will stay in motion until friction between the material and the ground slows the movement. Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass.

4. 3. Explain how the differences in surfaces of objects affect friction and movement?​


Friction always slows a moving object down. The amount of friction depends on the materials from which the two surfaces are made. The rougher the surface, the more friction is produced.


Friction causes a moving object to slow down.Friction applies force in the opposite direction of the existing path of the object.

6. example of drawing which show how friction and gravity affects movement of different objects​


Paki tingnan nalang po ang pic



7. AssessmentDirections: Infer how gravity affects movements of different objects. Reanswer the questions below. Write the letter of your answers on a separatepaper.1. How do you describe the gravity that an object on earth experiences if iis greater?A fartherB. greaterC. lesserD. smaller2. Which of the following keeps all objects on the ground?A. accelerationB. frictionC. gravity​




kailangan ko po talaga Ng points thanks





Pa brainliest po

8. EXPLAIN:1.How do friction and gravity affect the movements of different objects.PA ANSWER PO PLEASE​


1.How do friction and gravity affect the movements of different objects

Friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object.Eventually,friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass.


friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°gravity is a force that pulls two object towards each other because of their mass


°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide

9. Conclusion: How do gravity and friction affect movements of objects around us?​


Earth's gravity affects the motion of all the objects we see in daily life by accelerating them toward the center of the earth. Therefore, to efficiently process object motion the human visual system needs to consider gravity. Friction can slow things down and stop stationary things from moving. In a frictionless world, more objects would be sliding about, clothes and shoes would be difficult to keep on and it would be very difficult for people or cars to get moving or change direction.

Another Answer:

Gravity causes an object to fall toward the ground at a faster and faster velocity the longer the object falls. In fact, its velocity increases by 9.8 m/s2, so by 1 second after an object starts falling, its velocity is 9.8 m/s. Friction is a force that occurs when two surfaces slide past one another. The force of friction opposes the motion of an object, causing moving objects to lose energy and slow down.


Hope it help;)


friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide

10. How do friction and gravity affect the movement of an object?


The pull of Earth's gravity keeps the Moon in orbit; the moon is constantly changing direction because of gravity. (2) the force pressing the surfaces together. Friction is the force that acts to resist sliding between two surfaces that are touching. It can slow down or stop the motion of an object


Sana makatulong

11. How friction and gravity affect movements of different objects?nonsense=report​


friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide.

Sana po makatulong

12. how friction and gravity affect movement of different objectsenumarate ten (10)tips in wise spending of family income​


Friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object. ... Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass. Mass is the measurement of the amount of material (matter) that makes up an object.


How To Manage Your Money Better

1.) Have a Budget: Many people don’t budget because they don’t want to go through what they think will be a boring process of listing out expenses, adding up numbers, and making sure everything lines up. If you’re bad with money, you don’t have room for excuses with budgeting. If all it takes to get your spending on track is a few hours working a budget each month, why wouldn’t you do it? Instead of focusing on the process of creating a budget, focus on the value that budgeting will bring to your life.1  

2.) Using the Budget: Your budget is useless if you make it then let it collect dust in a folder tucked away in your bookshelf or file cabinet. Refer to it often throughout the month to help guide your spending decisions. Update it as you pay bills and spend on other monthly expenses. At any given time during the month, you should have an idea of how much money you’re able to spend, considering any expenses you have left to pay.2  

3.) Give Yourself a Limit for Unbudgeted Spending: A critical part of your budget is the net income or the amount of money left after you subtract your expenses from your income. If you have any money left over, you can use it for fun and entertainment, but only up to a certain amount. You can’t go crazy with this money, especially if it’s not a lot and it has to last the entire month. Before you make any big purchases, make sure it won’t interfere with anything else you have planned.3  

4.) Track Your Spending: Small purchases here and there add up quickly, and before you know it, you’ve overspent your budget. Start tracking your spending to discover places where you may be unknowingly overspending. Save your receipts and write your purchases in a spending journal, categorizing them so you can identify areas where you have a hard time keeping your spending in check.4  

5.) Don’t Commit to Any New Recurring Monthly Bills: Just because your income and credit qualify you for a certain loan, doesn’t mean you should take it. Many people naively think the bank wouldn’t approve them for a credit card or loan they can’t afford. The bank only knows your income, as you’ve reported, and the debt obligations included on your credit report, not any other obligations that could prevent you from making your payments on time. It’s up to you to decide whether a monthly payment is affordable based on your income and other monthly obligations.5  

6.) Make Sure You’re Paying the Best Prices: You can make the most of your money comparison shopping, ensuring that you’re paying the lowest prices for products and services. Look for discounts, coupons, and cheaper alternatives whenever you can.

7.) Save Up for Big Purchases: The ability to delay gratification will go along way in helping you be better with money. When you put off large purchases, rather than sacrificing more important essentials or putting the purchase on a credit card, you give yourself time to evaluate whether the purchase is necessary and even more time to compare prices. By saving up rather than using credit, you avoid paying interest on the purchase.6  And if you save rather than skipping bills or obligations, well, you don’t have to deal with the many consequences of missing those bills.

8.) Limit Your Credit Card Purchases: Credit cards are a bad spender's worst enemy. When you run out of cash, you simply turn to your credit cards without considering whether you can afford to pay the balance. Resist the urge to use your credit cards for purchases you can’t afford, especially on items you don’t really need.7  

9.) Contribute to Savings Regularly: Depositing money into a savings account each month can help you build healthy financial habits. You can even set it up so the money is automatically transferred from your checking account to your savings account. That way, you don’t have to remember to make the transfer.8  

10.) Being Good With Money Takes Practice:​ In the beginning, you may not be used to planning ahead and putting off purchases until you can afford them. The more you make these habits part of your daily life, the easier it is to manage your money, and the better off your finances will be.

13. 10. explaine briefly: How friction and gravity affect movements of different objects.​


because they have no gravity in the land..


14. gravitation and frictional forces /gravity and friction affect movement of objects​

Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass. Mass is the measurement of the amount of material (matter) that makes up an object. Friction and gravity are at work in each picture.

Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass. Mass is the measurement of the amount of material (matter) that makes up an object. Friction and gravity are at work in each picture.

15. Learning Objective: Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different objects. (MELC-CODE: S6FE-IIIa-c-1) (WLAS Q3 WI) le We use friction in most of our activities. How important is friction in our daily lives? Cite some activities when friction is desirable and undesirable. Brod gray​


Once a slide begins the rock, earth and debris will stay in motion until friction between the material and the ground slows the movement. Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass.

16. how friction affects the movement of different objects

The force of friction opposes themotion of an object, causing movingobjects to lose energy and slow down. When objects move through a fluid, such as air or water, the fluid exerts africtional force on the moving object

17. you are going to write aparagraph about how friction and gravity affect movement of an object?​


Friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object. ... Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide. Gravity is a force that pulls two objects toward each other because of their mass. Mass is the measurement of the amount of material (matter) that makes up an object.




18. How does friction affect the movement of different objects?


causing moving objects to lose energy and slow down


hope it help


Friction always opposes motion and slows the object's movement across the surface. It converts some of an object's kinetic energy into heat energy, slowing it down.

Hope this helpss

19. How does gravity affect the movements of different objects?​


How does gravity affect the movements of different objects?

When objects fall to the ground, gravity causes them to accelerate.


When objects fall to the ground, gravity causes them to accelerate. Acceleration is a change in velocity, and velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion. Gravity causes an object to fall toward the ground at a faster and faster velocity the longer the object falls.


20. 3.Explain how the different in surface of objects affect friction and movement? ​


An object of large mass is pulled down onto a surface with a greater force than an object of low mass and, as a consequence, there is greater friction between the surface of the heavy object than between the surface and the light object.


hope it helps.

21. infer how friction affects the movement of an object​


Friction is a force that occurs when two surfaces slide past one another. The force of friction opposes the motion of an object, causing moving objects to lose energy and slow down. When objects move through a fluid, such as air or water, the fluid exerts a frictional force on the moving object.


brainliest po


The force friction opposes the motion of an object to lose energy and slowdown.When object move through a fluid such as air or water,the fluod exterts a frictional force on the moving object

22. Learning Competencies to be developed: • Infer how friction and gravity affect movement of different objects. ➡️Let's Recall Unlock the hidden magic word. Take the underlined in each picture and place it in each box provided below. ​


paano ba mag jabol please react to may questionシ︎


hinde ko po to alam salamat

23. Answer each question with one to three sentences. How does friction and gravity affect the movement of objects in a very clean road? How do friction and gravity affect the movement of objects in a dirty place? How does poor environmental sanitation can negatively impact the health of an individual? Nonsense = Report



Sana po makatulong po pa brainliest po pls thanks po

24. 3. Infer how friction affects the movements of objects and people​


The force of friction opposes the motion of an object, causing moving objects to lose energy and slow down. When objects move through a fluid, such as air or water, the fluid exerts a frictional force on the moving object.

25. how does gravity affect the movements of different object?PIease answer.​


On Earth, gravity pulls all objects to Earth's center. ... Gravity acts on all masses equally, even though the effects on both masses may be different because gravity causes all objects to fall at the same constant rate of 9.8 m/s2. An object in free fall means that the only force acting on the object is gravity.


Objects on earth are pulled toward the center of earth. Gravity can also cause an object to change its upward motion, slow down, and and fall back toward earth's surface.

26. draw example which show how friction and gravity affects movement of different objects​




Keep the doors of refrigerator tightly sealed

27. infer how affect movements of different objects. read and answer the questions below. 1. which of the following statement about friction is true? ​


1.➪Friction opposes relative motion. No work is done by action reaction pair of friction so it can not be positive.

28. 20. Friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object. Gravity is a force that pullstwo objects toward each other because of their mass. How do friction and gravity affect the movementof objects?Friction and gravityA do not affect the movement of an objectB. work together to stop the motion of an objectC work separately to stop the motion of an objectD. work together to continue the motion of an object.​




Friction is a force that slows down the motion of a moving object. Eventually, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide.





29. Infer how gravity affects the movements of the two balls.​


Although the gravitational force the Earth exerts on the objects is different, their masses are just as different, so the effect we observe (acceleration) is the same for each. The Earth's gravitational force accelerates objects when they fall. It constantly pulls, and the objects constantly speed up.


because of the gravity of the earth

30. how does gravity affect the movements of different objects?


When objects fall to the ground, gravity causes them to accelerate.


Acceleration is a change in velocity, and velocity, in turn, is a measure of the speed and direction of motion. Gravity causes an object to fall toward the ground at a faster and faster velocity the longer the object falls.

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